
Lead Backend Developer with Fullstack experiences

Welcome to my website. I enjoy building reliable applications and finding smart solutions to challenging problems. Here, you’ll find my blog, skills, and experiences in fullstack and backend development.

My Experience

Lead Backend Developer

Third Act

Started as a fullstack developer. Got promoted to Team Lead for the backend. Working with modern technologies & making apps for the future.

2023 - Present

Software Engineering Consultant


Developed and maintained a large client's main product. Did both backend and frontend work.

2022 - 2023

Fullstack Developer

Boxnet / Crona

Did fullstack development on the companies main system, which was a POS system. Also did some internal tools.

2020 - 2022

System Developer .NET

TUC Sweden

Studied software development on a Higher Vocational Education. Learned .NET & diverse web technologies and did multiple internships.

2018 - 2020


Lead Backend Developer

at Third Act

About Me

Hello! I’m a passionate software engineer with a love for developing modern & cutting-edge applications.

With around 4 years experience in fullstack development, I have a strong foundation in both frontend and backend technologies. I love creating the whole stack, from the database to the user interface, and everything in between with a bit extra love for the backend. Im a social & communicative person who loves to work in teams and share knowledge with others, and find being a team lead very rewarding.

When I’m not coding, you can find me on a snowboard, experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen, playing padel or in a game of Counter Strike. I’m always eager to learn new technologies and collaborate with like-minded individuals on innovative projects.

Let’s Connect!

I’d love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, want to collaborate, or just want to say hi, feel free to reach out to me through any of the platforms below.