Lead Backend Developer with Fullstack experiences
Welcome to my website. I enjoy building reliable applications and finding smart solutions to challenging problems. Here, you’ll find my blog, skills, and experiences in fullstack and backend development.
Started as a fullstack developer. Got promoted to Team Lead for the backend. Working with modern technologies & making apps for the future.
2023 - Present
Developed and maintained a large client's main product. Did both backend and frontend work.
2022 - 2023
Did fullstack development on the companies main system, which was a POS system. Also did some internal tools.
2020 - 2022
Studied software development on a Higher Vocational Education. Learned .NET & diverse web technologies and did multiple internships.
2018 - 2020
Hello! I’m a passionate software engineer with a love for developing modern & cutting-edge applications.
With around 4 years experience in fullstack development, I have a strong foundation in both frontend and backend technologies. I love creating the whole stack, from the database to the user interface, and everything in between with a bit extra love for the backend. Im a social & communicative person who loves to work in teams and share knowledge with others, and find being a team lead very rewarding.
When I’m not coding, you can find me on a snowboard, experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen, playing padel or in a game of Counter Strike. I’m always eager to learn new technologies and collaborate with like-minded individuals on innovative projects.